Plan miasta Puttigny

Puttigny - Najnowsze wiadomości:

A trip back to Nanterre

These first paragraphs are marriages that were celebrated in the village named Puttigny. It might look difficult to read but this is not bad. Some are illegible because of very bad handwriting !. The archives houses many temporary or ...
źródło: BlogSearch

A trip back to Nanterre

These first paragraphs are marriages that were celebrated in the village named Puttigny. It might look difficult to read but this is not bad. Some are illegible because of very bad handwriting !. The archives houses many temporary or ...
źródło: BlogSearch

A trip back to Nanterre

These first paragraphs are marriages that were celebrated in the village named Puttigny. It might look difficult to read but this is not bad. Some are illegible because of very bad handwriting !. The archives houses many temporary or ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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